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McBean Family

Photograph 1 is of the McBean Family taken around 1910-1911Front Row-

First left is Alfred McBean (b1880) he is holding his daughter Eveline (b1908). Alfred is one of fifteen children. Third from the left is Edwin McBean, Alfred's father born 1846 in Scarborough.His occupation being an Iron Ship Caulker. He had been married 45 years (1911 cencus) and had 15 children, some which did not survive. Edwin's father was called Robert, Robert's brother William on his death had the steps leading down to the Grand Hotel named after him. ( McBean Steps).The Lady next to him is his mother Elizabeth McBean ( Chatwin) born 1824 Scarborough. The lady next to Elizabeth is her daughter in law, Hannah (Daison b 1848 Hartlepool) she was married to Edwin. The child in front of Elizabeth with her head turned is Violet McBean (b1807), she is the eldest child of Alfred and his wife Margaret.

Photograph 2 is of the male memebers of the McBean Family:Edwin Mcbean born 1846 ( Father),Robert D born 1872, Edwin J born 1874, Francis W born 1878, Alfred born 1880.

Photograph 3 & 4 are both of Robert Spence, father of Margaret McBean (nee Spence) born in 1848 in Stranton.

Photograph 5 is of AlFred's Indenture to William Gray , which is signed by him and his father.

Photograph  6 A copy of Robert Spence indenture as a tailor to his father Thomas Spence.

Photograph 7 is of  Alfred McBean(back row ,middle , man with the pipe) Alf  served his apprenticeship at William Gray Ship Yard between the years 1896 -1902.

Photograph 8 we believe is another of Alfred and  the workers at William Gray Shipyard(Alf is first right on the front row).

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