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Everton Grange - crew & passengers

Masters: 1904-06 W.E. Mazwell-Brown: 1908-11 R. Taylor: 1912 G.F. Wilson: 1915 S.W. Warren: 1916-17 J.N. Thompson.

Crew February 1909: Anderson, A, carpenter, 36, Sweden; Atkins, W, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 24, Birkenhead; Ball, A, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 24, Victoria; Bartley, G, cook, 21, Liverpool; Benn, F, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 34, Birkenhead; Bennett, E, ordinary seaman, 30, Bristol; Bibby, J, assistant steward, 17, Liverpool; Bisphan, J, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 32, Liverpool; Broad, GJ, able seaman, 22, Liverpool; Brown, L, 2nd cook, 29, Liverpool; Browne, T, greaser/ fireman/trimmer, 26, Southampton; Bulmer, T, assistant steward, 16, Cheshire; Burns, P, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 38, Liverpool; Carey, E, donkeyman, 47, Cork; Carlin, W, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 33, Liverpool; Clark, A, baker, 51, Leith; Craig, A, assistant steward, 28, Aberdeen; Dalglish, W, assistant steward, 25, Portsmouth; Davie, T, assistant steward, 27, Liverpool; Deakins, A, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 35, London; Dorman, JV, assistant steward, 21, Liverpool; Duffy, J, ordinary seaman, 18, Birkenhead; Duke, H, ordinary seaman, 25, London; Eddy, H, able seaman, 42, Cornwall; Eupen, F, scullion, 18, Liverpool; Evans, H, able seaman, 31, Exeter; Ferns, T, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 33, Meath; Fielding, J, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 31, Liverpool; Fullard, JNO; Gale, JO, chief cook, 50, Liverpool; Gale, WA, able seaman, 33, Ramsey; Gibbons, FG, assistant steward, 42, Liverpool; Green, WHN, apprentice, 20, London; Gregory, J, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 36, Liverpool; Griffiths, AE, ordinary seaman, 17, Prollheld; Groundwater, H, 3rd engineer, 26, Manchester; Hamilton, N, assistant steward, 22, Newcastle; Harrison, AW, assistant steward, 27, London; Killick, A, assistant steward, 18, London; Laidlaw, J, butcher, 33, Gateshead; Lambert, GW, carpenter’s mate, 21, London; Lenden, WJ, able seaman, 30, Stroud; Lobban, A, mate, 29, Moray; Love, G, apprentice, 18, London; Macgee, C, assistant steward, 32, Liverpool; Malden, WF, 4th mate, 20, Bedford; Mead, G, assistant steward, 33, Westmorland; McAlister, J, ship’s cook, 45, Liverpool; McCarthy, M, able seaman, 30, Cork; McKenzie, A, 2nd engineer, 37, Ross; McLaren, H, assistant steward, 23, Liverpool; McLeod, assistant steward, 31, Liverpool; Molloy, J, able seaman, 38, Anglass; Moore, S, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 25, Victoria; Morrisay, W, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 31, Wexford; Neild, W, assistant steward, 19, Liverpool; Nurse, W, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 24, Liverpool; O’Brien, J, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 25, Lunk; O’Connor, J, able seaman, 22, Bootle; Penn, J, donkeyman, 56, Germany; Rowland, J, stewardess, 40, North Wales; Sampson, SH, 5th engineer, 22, Bolton; Schultz, J, assistant steward, 22, Liverpool; Scully, W, able seaman, 47, Queenstown; Singleton, JW, 2nd mate, 50, Melbourne; Singleton, T, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 23, Liverpool; Smith, JW, 1st refrigeration engineer, 37, Sunderland; Sparling, S, ordinary seaman, 15, Brightlingsea; Spence, J, ordinary seaman, 23, York; Spiller, RF, 6th engineer, 21, Belfast; Squires, OS, 4th engineer, 24, London; Steele, J, 2nd steward, 21, Liverpool; Storch, W, able seaman, 23, Germany; Reardon, GJ, boatswain, 26, Portsmouth; Richardson, E, assistant steward, 23, Leicester; Roberts, JL, 2nd refrigeration engineer, 24, Liverpool; Robertson, SG, 1st engineer, 44, Sunderland; Taylor, R, master; Thomas, WG, 3rd mate, 22, Pill; Thompson, W, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 24, Birkenhead; Thompson, W, chief steward, 30, Liverpool; Touts, A, able seaman, 25, Finland; Underwood, A, ordinary seaman, 16, Brightlingsea; Ward, F, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 20, London; Waugh, J, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 45, Portlous; Ward, S, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 27, Liverpool; Wilkin, J, able seaman, 21, Bootle

Williams, G, fore cabin steward, 29, Liverpool; Wills, J, assistant steward, 20, Liverpool; Wilson, R, scullion, 30, Liverpool; Brewer, Mr, passage worker; Christian, HC, passage worker; Harper, Mr, passage worker.

Passengers February 1909: (with ages of children)

Agden, T; Angus, W; Baird, William; Bardsley, F, 3; Bardsley, George, 5; Bardsley, Lucy, 8; Bardsley, Mrs M; Bartley, Miss Isa; Baxter, J; Baylis, J; Bell, Martha; Bell, Mrs M; Benshaw, F; Best, J; Best, Laura; Best, Mrs S; Biddell, E, 6 months; Biddell, Mrs F; Black, Robert; Blomberg, Mrs M; Blomberg, Peggy, 4; Braithwaite, J; Brindley, G; Burnside, R; Cameron, Elizabeth; Capstick, Edward; Caudell, S; Chilton, M, 1; Chilton, Robert; Chivas, William; Cooper, D, 7; Cooper, H, 8; Cooper, Miss E, 2; Cooper, Mrs; Cooper, Mrs L; Cooper, Mr T; Cooper, R; Cooper, R, 10; Cooper, S; Cresswell, B; Cresswell, F; Crompton, Thomas; Cruickshank, D; Darley, A; Derry, A; Doyle, E; Duncan, Robert; Dracuf, Mrs; Dracuf, Doris, 11; Dracuf, Anna, 15; Dracuf, WS; Eccles, F; Fawcett, Mrs; Ford, J; Gell, WF; Gill, Annie, 18; Gill, C; Gill, Mrs C; Gill, Doris, 9; Gill, Emily, 15; Gill, F; Gill, H, 17; Gill, J; Gill, M, 10; Gill, S, 9; Gilmore, A; Gilmore, William; Gorrie, G; Graham, G; Graham, J; Graham, M; Grant, J; Gray, J; Greathead, L; Grooby, Thomas; Hall, Edward; Hargreaves, T; Harland, T; Heslop, Jane, 2½; Heslop, Mrs S; Heslop, Selina, 4½; Hill, Edward T; Hill, Mrs M; Hodgson, James; Holmes, R; Horniebrook, W; Howson, Miss M; Jennings, J; Johnson, A; Johnson, F; Jones, J; Jowett, S; Keeley, J; Kelman, William; Kiddy, W; Kinsella, J; Knowles, RC; Lanbe, Miss M, 16; Lanbe, T, 18; Lanyon, C; Lee, William M; Lennox, M; Lewis, Miss E, 7; Lewis, J; Liver, Robert; Lockie, W; Longmuir, F; Lowis, Mrs M; Machin, CG; Mahoney, W; Markham, E; Markham, F; Markham, F; Markham, L; Markham, Mrs; Markham, T; Marshall, JE; McCallum, J; McClaren, HE; McCulloch, P; McDonnell, A; McDowell, H; McDowan, J; McGovern, M; McKenzie, D; McKenzie, R; Meek, J, 17; Milburn, H; Montgomery, Edward, 19 months; Montgomery, Mrs M; Morgan, J; Morrison, F; Morrison, G; Morrison, W; Mosley, J; Naylor, F; O’Brien, Miss H; O’Brien, HJ, 1½; O’Brien, JL, 5; O’Brien, TH; O’Flanagan, D; Oldrim, A; Oldrim, D; Oldrim, F; Oldrim, GD; Osborne, R; Plant, W; Prentice, Miss L; Quine, William; Radcliffe, A; Rawson, Edward; Ray, R; Robertson, A; Rolland, A; Rolland, J; Rolston, C; Scott, J; Sedgewick, HN; Shepherd, A; Smith, W; Snowden, Miss A; Snowden, W; Spencer, Thomas; Sutcliffe, A; Sutherland, William; Taylor, JA; Taylor, L; Taylor, Mrs L; Taylor, Marion, 5; Taylor, William; Taylor, William; Taylor, William; Troy, J; Turner, S; Van Heck, Edith; Van Heck, J, 2; Van Heck, Molly, 3; Wallace, Robert; Ward, A; Waterfield, Louise A; Wearing, A; Wearing, R; Westwood, P; Wilkinson, M; Wilson, J; Wilson, M; Wood, W.

Crew July 1909: Abbott, CN, assistant steward, 22, London; Adams, M, 2nd cook, 30, Austria; Arnott, J, assistant steward, 35, West Derby; Baldwin, Josiah, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 26, Liverpool; Barrett, Anthony James, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 35, Liverpool; Bartley, George, passenger’s cook, 24, Liverpool; Bennett, EM, able seaman, 20, Bristol; Blair, Theo, assistant steward, 23, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Bolger, W, able seaman, 49, Dublin; Broay, D, able seaman, 35, Holyhead; Brown, Thomas, ship’s cook, 29, Liverpool; Brundit, B, assistant steward, 24, Cheshire; Burns, Patrick, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 38, Liverpool; Carey, Eugine, donkeyman, 48, Cork; Condfitt, James, assistant steward, 31, Liverpool; Corlett, AS, deck hand, 20, Liverpool; Craig, A, assistant steward, 29, Salford; Curry, Martin, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 36, London; Dodd, S, ordinary seaman, 18, Liverpool; Doderer, JW, assistant steward, 36, Amsterdam; Eddy, H, boatswain, 40, Cornwall; Edwards, FW, assistant steward, 18, London; Egan, H, assistant steward, 22, Sheffield; Elliott, H, able seaman, 23, Birdsfall; Ellis, JW, assistant steward, 21, London; Fleming, R, able seaman, 21, Liverpool; Gale, JC, chief cook, 51, Liverpool; Gaskell, James, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 21, Liverpool; Gees, R, deck hand, 23, Maryborough; Gibbons, AG, assistant steward, 21, Liverpool; Gillies, AE, able seaman, 25, Bill; Graham, WE, assistant steward, 25, Pembroke; Green, WJV, apprentice, 20, Giltingham; Gregory, J, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 36, Liverpool; Groundwater, H, 3rd engineer, 26, Manchester; Halliday, James, able seaman, 46, Belfast; Hamilton, M, assistant steward, 22, Newcastle; Haugh, James, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 46, Waterford; Hawkesford, A, 2nd refrigeration engineer, 28, Chepston; Heap, CD, surgeon, 58, Manchester; Hinchcliffe, WH, deck hand, 21, Portland; Holden, John R, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 40, Darwin; Iovery, H, assistant steward, 21, Brisbane; Kaski, A, carpenter, 27, Finland; Keary, WF, assistant steward, 20, Plaistow; Kennedy, Thomas, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 33, Liverpool; Laidlaw, J, butcher, 34, Gateshead; Leech, Thomas, baker, 41, Liverpool; Malden, WT, 3rd mate, 21, Bedford; Maloney, Joseph, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 38, Liverpool; Mathewman, H, assistant steward, 21, London; McCabe, John, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 24, Liverpool; McCann, James, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 29, Birkenhead; McCarthy, James, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 27, Workington; McCarthy, Patrick, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 38, Cork; McDowell, Bernard, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 36, Drogheda; McDougal, P, deck hand, 32, Hamilton; McGall, Archibald, able seaman, 43, Campbelltown; McGee, Patrick, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 45, Waterford; McGuire, Fred, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 25, Liverpool; McKenzie, A, 2nd engineer, 38, Ross-shire; Moore, Samuel, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 25, Liverpool; Morris, M, 1st mate, 40, Kings Lynn; Murphy, Edward, deck hand, 20, Dublin; Murphy, J, able seaman, 42, Londonderry; Naylor, H, assistant steward, 21, Brisbane; Neild, W, assistant steward, 20, Liverpool; Nixon, E, able seaman, 26, NSW; Nowland, J, stewardess, 41, Montgomeryshire; Palin, EM, 4th mate, 21, London; Palmer, LF, 6th engineer, 23, London; Penn, John, donkeyman, 56, Memel; Radcliffe, A, ordinary seaman, 26, Karnsey; Rimmer, W, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 38, Liverpool; Robertson, SG, chief engineer, 65, Scotland; Ronksley, E, scullion, 18, Sheffield; Routledge, A, assistant steward, 36, Liverpool; Salby, M, able seaman, 47, Queenstown; Sampson, SH, 5th engineer, 23, Bolton; Scanlon, G, able seaman, 32, Wexford; Scott, Hudson, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 43, Liverpool; Schultz, John, assistant steward, 22, Liverpool; Singleton, JW, 2nd mate, 50, Melbourne; Smith, JW, chief refrigeration engineer, 37, Scotland; Sparling, S, ordinary seaman, 15, Brightlingsea; Spencer, T, assistant steward, 21, London; Squire, OS, 4th engineer, 25, London; Steele, J, 2nd steward, 22, Liverpool; Stevenson, Thomas, able seaman, 22, Altruich; Tasker, R, assistant steward, 29, Chatham; Taylor, R, master; Thomas, D, able seaman, 26, Pembroke; Thompson, W, chief steward, 30, Liverpool; Underwood, V, ordinary seaman, 16, Brightlingsea; Venn, CL, assistant steward, 33, Barrow; Wade, W, ordinary seaman, 18, Waterford; White, Andrew, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 22, Liverpool; Williams, G, fore cabin steward, 29, Liverpool; Wilson, C, deck hand, 42, Glasgow.

Passengers July 1909: Anderson, J; Anderson, Mrs;  Anderson, Thomas; Anderson, William; Arnot, James; Arnot, Mrs; Arnot, William; Aston, Mrs; Aston, William; Ballentine, A; Basford, Miss G; Basford, Leslie; Basford, Miss M; Beable, J; Berridge, A; Bingham, A; Bingham, Miss D; Bingham, Mrs E; Bingham, F; Birchall, Mrs EG; Booth, William; Brewin, WC; Broughton, Charles; Brown, FR; Buchanan, Charles; Burton, Miss E; Clifton, Thomas; Collins, Miss F; Collins, Miss M; Collins, Miss S; Cooper, C; Cousins, Miss M; Daley, James; Deen, Miss B; Doyle, Miss Annie; Duckworth, WH; Dunbar, AC; Dunbar, DA; Dunbar, R; Farquharson, J; Feehan, Miss E; Finch, G; Francis, William; Gehres, Edward; Gibson, James P; Gibson, WF; Gillies, A; Gillies, D; Glouston, G; Goods, H; Goodwin, Michael; Gulliver, W; Hall, A; Hall, George; Hall, Jenny; Hall, Mrs; Hannah, James; Hannah, Miss; Harkin, E; Harrison, AE; Heap, William; Helman, R; Hill, Fred; Hill, G; Horricks, Miss E; Houghton, HE; Howie, H; Hughes, Miss DB; Hurley, Miss J; Johnson, Mrs E; Jones, John; Jones, Joseph; Kelly, Douglas; Kerr, RMP; Kydd, Robert; Lees, Thomas; Lilyendle, Mrs C; Locker, Arthur; Locker, Lydia; Locker, M; Locker, Mary; MacFarlane, Miss C; Mackay, Angus; Mackay, Miss C; MacKenzie, David; Manners, A; McArthur, Johm; McIlvain, Mary; McIlvain, Mrs; McIlvain, Samuel; McEwan, James; McNicoll, I; McNicoll, J; McNicoll, Miss; McNicoll, Mrs; Metcalfe, Miss K; Miller, FH; Miller, Henry; Milton, William; Mitchell, Mrs JA; Mitchell, WL; Morgan, R; Morrison, John; Morrison, M; Morrison, Sarah; Mulder, H; Murray, Mrs LJ; Murray, William John; Nolan, Thomas; O’Grady, M; O’Neill, WJ; O’Shea, Mrs A; O’Shea, C; O’Shea, Miss E; O’Shea, R; O’Shea, Lieutenant T; O’Shea; Owler, GE; Pert, George; Pert, George; Pert, Mrs; Pickering, Levi; Plannett, Miss L; Plannett, child; Pugh, David; Pugh, Thomas; Rainey, Miss M; Ralph, L; Ralph, Mrs; Ralph, T; Ralph, V; Roberts, C; Robinson, J; Robinson, Joseph; Robinson, Mrs A; Robinson, Miss M; Russell, ST; Russell, W; Russell, WW; Ryan, Michael; Sales, H; Shand, James; Shaw, CD; Stevenson, John; Turgoose, CH; Tyson, Miss M; Waters, W; Watson, R; Whilan, John; Whipp, John; Wyatt, WT.

Crew April 1912: Arvis, F, seaman, 21, Finland; Booth, Harold C, 6th engineer, 22, Sydney; Booth, W, greaser/firema/trimmer, 27, Liverpool; Brown B, assistant steward, 25, Bristol; Browne, F, scullion, 26, Bristol; Burroughs, Benjamin, assistant steward, 50, Middlesbrough; Campbell, Alexander, 5th engineer, 23, Leith; Carter, E, assistant steward, 25, London; Cooling, AS, assistant steward, 21, Surrey; Culshaw, Thomas, donkeyman, 28, Liverpool; Cummings, John, greaser/firema/trimmer, 35, Liverpool; Curry Seedhouse, EJ, 2nd refrigeration engineer, 23, Glasgow; Elder, Joseph, greaser/firema/trimmer, 34, Ayr; Fearns, Daniel, greaser/firema/trimmer, 36, Liverpool; Fenton, E, assistant steward, 29, Egremont; Flaherty, J, able seaman, 23, Bootle; Fordham, F, steerage steward, 34, Richmond, Queensland; Freeman, Oskar, seaman, 19, Germany; Gallagher, Francis, greaser/firema/trimmer, 37, Liverpool; Gill, Charles C, 3rd officer, 26, Bristol; Grant, N, greaser/firema/trimmer, 29, Liverpool; Grisnam, WH, 4th officer, 49, Melbourne; Harkesford, AG, chief refrigeration engineer, 30, Chepstow; Hepburn, SV, 4th engineer, 25, Liverpool; Hibbit, H, assistant steward, 17, London; Hughes, Thomas, able seaman, 39 Carnarvon; Hyland, J, greaser/firema/trimmer, 38, Liverpool; Jones, N, carpenter, 36, Anglesea; King, James, greaser/firema/trimmer, 20; Lewis, G, able seaman, 21, Bootle; Lynch, Simon, greaser/firema/trimmer, 35, Liverpool; Marsden, A, assistant steward, 21, Manchester; McBride, James, able seaman, 42, Rathmullen; McMeakin, S, greaser/firema/trimmer, 35, Liverpool; Monaghan, B, 3rd engineer, 27, Liverpool; Morris, Robert, assistant steward, 23, Bootle; Nerrall, Thomas C, 2nd officer, 29, London; O’Connell, greaser/firema/trimmer, 34, Liverpool; Parker, HF, seaman, 20, London; Parry, Peter, greaser/firema/trimmer, 48, Liverpool; Powell, JWS, surgeon, 27, Sydney; Reynolds, J, able seaman, 23, Drogheda; Rowland, G, stewardess, 43, North Wales; Smith, George, chief steward, 31, Hull; Spencer, J, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 23, Liverpool; Walters, Henry, baker, 43, Liverpool; Warren, SW, chief officer, 38, Essex; Watts, Fred, greaser/fireman/trimmer, 38, Leeds; Webb, C, assistant steward, 48, London; Wilson, GF, master, 42, Surrey; Wymer, FD, 2nd engineer, 47, Kirch; Zwingmann, G, boatswain, 31, Germany.

Passengers April 1912: Ainscough, Mr Augustine; Akhurst, Mr Thomas J; Antill, Mr B; Arkle, Mr Ernest; Ashton, Mr F; Atkins, Mr FA; Atkinson, Mr John W; Atkinson, Mr Athur W; Baker, Mr Joseph; Barnfather, Mr Ernest J; Bassett, Mr John; Boyd, Mr John; Boyd, Mrs Nellie; Boyd, Mr JK; Brogan, Mr Nicholas; Brown, Mr Percy; Brown, Mrs Alice & 2 children; Burkin, Mr Arthur W; Burkin, Mrs Mary & 2 children; Burt, Mr Henry; Butcher, Mr Ernest; Collinson, Mr Goodall; Cook, Mr John E; Cook, Mr Sydney G; Cook, Mrs; Counsel, Mr W; Cummings, Mr Francis H; Cutcliffe, Mr Clifford JP; Daly, Mr CE; Davis, Mr Percival GW; Duckworth, Mr A; Dunkerley, Mr Frederick; Durward, Mr Crawford; Eastwood, Mr William; Eastwood, Mrs Clara & infant; Entwistle, Mr TR; Eraut, Mr Alfred G; Ewan, Mr James; Folstead, Mr P; Fitzgerald, Mr T; Foote, Mr Sydney A; Foote, Mrs Elizabeth; Gabbutt, Mr Fred; Gater, Mr Edward; Goodall, Mr Gordon; Gray, Mr John; Green, Mr Cyril; Green Mr Francis; Green Mrs E & 4 children; Greenslade, Mr SA; Griffiths, Mr John E; Griffiths, Mrs Mary J & infant; Harbott, Mr Sydney; Harkness, Mrs J & infant; Harkness, Miss Jane; Harrison, Mr; Thomas A; Hill, Mr Herbert O; Hill, Mrs Mary & child; Hookings, Mrs F; Humphries, Mr William; Johnson, Mr; Alfred T; Johnson, Mrs Emily; Jones, Mr Alfred; Jones, Mr DJ; Jones, Mr JR; Kendall, Mr Arthur; Kendall, Mr Charles; Kelly, Miss Mary; Knott, Mr J; Laycock, Miss Gertrude; Loach, Mr Arthur; Maco, Mr F; Mantlo, Mr Thomas; Mantlo, Mrs & 3 children; Marshall, Mr Robert; Matthews, Mr Walter;  Milner, Mr William; Moffatt, Mr David; Mackey, Mr Jamon; Mackenzie, Mr Allan R; Mccabe, Mr James; Mccabe, Mr John; Mccarthy, Mr Samuel; Mclean, Mr Alex; Nowberry, Mrs Emily & 2 children; Nightingale, Mr William; Nightingale, Mrs Rachael; Pennott Mr George; Perrott, Mr Frederick T; Reed, Mr Frederick; Rigby, Mr Thomas; Rigby, Mrs Ada; Robertson, Mr G; Robinson, Mr HP; Robinson, Mr John M; Rothery, Mr Rowland R; Shaw, Mr W.J; Simpson, Mr Harold F; Simpson, Mrs Jeannie; Smith, Mr Ralph L; Smith, Mr WR; Steven, Mr Marcus; Stewardson, Mr Ernest; Storry, Mr Thomas; Storry, Mr William; Sutherland, Mr Ben W; Symonds, Mr FW; Truelove, Mr Percy T; Truelove, Mr Phyliss M; Walton, Mr John R; Watling, Mr Ernest C; Watling, Mrs; Williams, Mr Edward; Wilson, Mr J; Wishart, Mr David; Young, Mr George; Young, Mrs Edith M & 2 children.

Voyages: Everton Grange made regular trips from Liverpool, Bristol & London for Australia from 1903 to 1912.  

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