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Arve - a general history

Built at Sunderland: Official No. 25734: Code Letters PHFN.

Owners: 1840-53 George Moon, Hartlepool, Margaret, Henry & Charles Strathmore Moon, Sunderland; 1854 William Merryweather, Thomas & John Gray (innkeepers) Hartlepool, Edward Waddingham (draper) Durham & John Richardson (miller, Stranton) Hartlepool; by 1866 Thomas Gray (shipowner) Edward Waddingham (draper) Joseph Benjamin Lister Merryweather (shipbroker) Hartlepool; April 1871Thomas Gray, Edward Waddingham, Joseph Benjamin Lister Merryweather &Thomas Trewhitt, Hartlepool; October 1871Thomas Gray, Edward Waddingham & Joseph Benjamin Lister Merryweather, Hartlepool.

Masters: 1847 Whitehead; 1848-52 Storey; 1854-56 Richard Sharp; 1857 R Barton; 1858-59 Sheddngnie; 1860-61 Ditchburn; 1862-69 W Hoare; 1870 Blacklaw; 1872 Youlden.

Voyages: 1854 Hartlepool for the Mediterranean; 1864 Hartlepool for France; January 1854 during a violent storm she struck on the Heugh rocks at Hartlepool & was under water; 15 April 1858 Lewis Davis, mate of Arve was charged at Liverpool with deserting the vessel. He was sentenced to 10 weeks hard labour & the Board of Trade cancelled his Certificate No.72361; from Hartlepool for Cronsadt with a cargo of coal she put into Copenhagen leaky on 21 September 1870.

Bound from Hartlepool for Gefle Arve was entirely disabled during a hurricane in the Baltic near the island of Njord on 14 November 1872. Her crew were compelled to take to the rigging where most of them suffered from frostbite. They were rescued at great risk by a boat from the Norwegian ship Arnon& landed at Elsinore on 17 November 1872. Grundesen, master of the Arnonwas awarded by public vote a binocular glass worth £6 6s & the two men who manned the boat, J.J. Olsen, mate & E. Samuelsen, seaman each received a silver medal.

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