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George William - a general history

Official No. 1291 Code Letters HJLB. Built at Sunderland.

Owners: 1836-37 Hutchinson, Sunderland; Hartlepool Original Shipping Co, Hartlepool; 1843 purchased for £1,500 Phoenix Shipping Co (William Lisle, Joshua Byers & Thomas Tait) Hartlepool; March 1846-53 John C Cleugh, Newcastle-on-Tyne; by 1857-60 London.

Masters: 1836-37 Crow; 1844-45 Thomas Bainbridge Cornor; 1848-53 W Cleugh; 1860 William Hurn.

Voyages: 1844 Hartlepool for France; June 1845 Hartlepool for Quebec.

Bound from Sunderland for London with a cargo of coal she sprang a leak during stormy weather about 150 miles east of Flamborough Head.  The water gained rapidly so the crew took to their boats. George William foundered the following morning on 28 September 1860. The crew were picked up by a fishing lugger

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